Your First Heartbreak.
Heartbreak. A moment that will break you down into many
pieces.It can feel like the end of the world. ‘s It’s like a giant hole was
pummelled into your chest, with no hope or repair.i think I can say in pretty solid confidence that people would rather get smacked in the face with a metal rather than dealing with heartbreak. that is why we try to avoid it.Our bodies literally repel being dumped because there is no greater pain than a heartbreak struggle is just so real, and the risk we take by falling in love are innumerable and terrifying.especially your first heartbreak. for you guys who ever experience, then you guys ever felt what i'm saying up there.then if you never experience it, all i could is wish you luck.
But before you put yourself in that situation,you need to know the side effect of a heartbreak.
These one is the most common yet terrifying thing that will happen when you are having a heartbreak.Depression.According to psychology Today, researches at Virginia Commonwealth University studied 7 000 male and female are analysed their levels of depression and anxiety based on traumatic experiences in their life. especially love life story.
when you get extremely dumped, you feel like someone has punched you ion the stomach, knocking all the wind out of you. As Naomi Elsenbuerger.PHd,at Los Angeles.told a magazine publisher, the area of your brain that lights up when you are hurt physically is the same area that lights up when you suffer"social rejection."
But you know your life is not all about love or relationship. we are still young and to early to know about or experience it. you school is your priority. your education is all you need .
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